Biscuit Box Stack

The main stack of the suite


The Biscuit Box Stack provides the core of this suite of stacks:
  • End-user interface
  • Key parameters
  • Layout settings


BiscuitBox - Preview Section

Sample Text - when active displays a sample text in edit mode which can be used as a starting point.
Test Mode
- Always displays the popup in Preview Mode. The stack makes sure that this setting is not transferred to your live site should you forget to un-check this setting.

BiscuitBox - Layout

Popup Width - Sets the width of the pop-up.
- Select the units in which to measure the width (above).
Horiz. Align
- If the pop-up does not cover the entire width of the screen, you can set its alignment here.
Popup Position - Select where the popup should appear on the page. You can choose between top and bottom.
Button Position - Select the position of the buttons in relation to the info text. You can choose In Line, Below or Free Mode. The latter allows you the freely design your pop-up and additionally opens an icon in the Edit window from where you can choose individual drop zones for your buttons. You can place them anywhere inside the Biscuit Box stack. In order to place any Stack inside Biscuit Box, drag and drop it onto the "+" icon.
Text Bot. Padding
- Sets the spacing between the info text and the buttons.
- Sets the unit of measurement for the above setting.
Backgr. Color - Select the background color of the popup. The color selector also allows for opacity.
- Set the padding of the popup. This can help to make it stand out and more readable.
Med. Screen Size
- Sets the break point for medium size screens; everything below is regarded as a small screen, e.g. a smart phone.
Lrg. Screen Size
- Sets the break point for large screens; everything above is regarded as a large screen, e.g. a desktop computer.

BiscuitBox - Mobile Layout

Button Padding - Sets the padding around the buttons specifically for small devices, such as smart phones.
- Sets the unit of measurement for the above setting.

BiscuitBox - Parameters

Implied Consent - If this setting is checked, Implied Consent will be assumed, i.e. scripts will be executed upon page load, the visitor decides after the fact. This is actually not in the sense of systems like Biscuit Box because once the page has been loaded, the scripts have already been executed and Cookies and other collectors are inside the browser. We cannot remove them any more, even if the visitor selects the Decline Button!

Danger Zone

You should not switch to Implied Consent when inside the EU.
Expiry Days - Sets the number of days until the user has to re-decide and the popup is displayed again. You can enter anything from 1 to 9999. While an expiry timeframe of 1 day might be silly, a good standard is anything below 365 days.

BiscuitBox - Scripts

Analytics Snippet - Paste your analytics JavaScript code here. It should be according to the sample below, just replace the XXXXXX-X with your Google Analytics ID.
Extra Code - If you have additional JavaScript code, you can paste it here.


Your code must not contain any
External Scripts - By activating any of the buttons, a Link element opens, where you can reference additional External Scripts to be loaded upon Consent.

Google Analytics Template

(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

ga('create', 'UA-XXXXXX-X', 'auto');
ga('set', 'anonymizeIP', true);
ga('send', 'pageview');

Biscuit Box - Content

This is a brand new feature and sets Biscuit Box apart from its competition!
This makes it possible to react to the visitor's decision and display certain content accordingly. E.g. you could display YouTube content upon consent or alternatively local video content upon decline.
Load Specific Content - activates the feature and loads content depending on the visitor's decision.
Consent Content - Link to a page inside RapidWeaver which contains the Biscuit Box Content Stack. Everything inside this Stack will be loaded into the Biscuit Box Placeholder Stack.
Decline Content - Link to a page inside RapidWeaver which contains the Biscuit Box Content Stack. Everything inside this Stack will be loaded into the Biscuit Box Placeholder Stack.


Stacks which require JavaScript (or other external scripts, such as CSS) to be loaded into the HTML Header, will not work or give unexpected results!

Biscuit Box - Extra

Z-Index - If the Biscuit Box Pop-Up collides with Z-Index of other content on your page, you can adjust this here.
Biscuit Box Stacks
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